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The New Look + Announcing My NaNo Novel

E. C. Colton

Welcome back! After a couple of days of remodeling—yup, you got it—Quill of Hope is back with a totally new look!

Lately, I’ve been noticing that I’ve slightly (not entirely, but slightly) neglected my blog. I honestly don’t mean to, but life’s been busy lately just with school that I haven’t had the time.

But lately, I’ve looked over my design and I wasn’t exactly satisfied with what I was displaying. My favorite color scheme is greens, blues, and silvers, so instead of going with lavender and gold (my previous color scheme), I went with something completely different.

Another change you may notice is my logo. Since I’ve launched my blog (and logo business), I’ve sadly neglected my logo. So yep, this logo is the official one, combining watercolors with the calligraphy that’s slightly reminiscent of delicate quillwork.

Which brings me to my logo design business.

After a few trials and errors, I’ve revised the page entirely and created a separate page for my portfolio (which will be growing). I’ll also be selling premade logos, which is really exciting for me.

Also, if you’ve been exploring a bit, you might find that I have a new work-in-progress on my projects page. I won’t spoil it all here, but it’s the one I’m doing for this year’s NaNoWriMo!

Well, sort of. I’m not doing the standard 50K challenge, however, I will be doing 25K because of some exciting things happening in November.

If you want a glimpse of what it’s about, check out the projects page! I’m excited to start and I’ll probably be posting more about it in the future.

In parting, I’d like to give a brief note.

Some fight change, others resent it. As a person who’s always hated most kinds of change, I’ve tried and learned to embrace it.

It’s not going to be easy. I’m not even going to pretend it’s going to be easy because I know it won’t be.

But sometimes, change is good. Sometimes, something that seems like a disaster can be an opening door to beautiful things in the future.

I’ve said this so many times, but 2020 was one of those years of change. But in spite of all this—all my high hopes for 2020—it hasn’t been the worst year ever yet. Yes, rocky, but not the worst.

Because God has given me things to be grateful for in 2020, despite all this chaos in the world around me. And I’m forever grateful because I don’t deserve it. I know I don’t deserve it.

As a side note, I actually did a writing workshop right before 2020 on writing more this year. Little did I know how much I would grow as a writer. And with Thanksgiving around the corner, I can say honestly that I have grown the most this year, both in writing and as a person. <3

And it’s not over yet.

So here’s to new tomorrows, a new look, and the future shining bright up ahead!

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daughter of Christ | author | tea connoisseur | cat mom | autumn's biggest fangirl | the bibliophile with all the controversial bookish opinions

E. C. Colton, more commonly known as Em, is the author of Shards of Sky, a contemporary YA novella. She loves soulful stories—books that leave the reader in tears while teaching deep truths that will last a lifetime.

On her little corner of the internet, she blogs about walking down the hard road of life as a Christian & clean YA fiction.

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