6 Month Book Birthday + Giveaway
Hi there!
I know I posted yesterday, but I also wanted to throw some confetti and celebrate the fact that it’s been about six months since my book, A Change of Heart, was published!
Writing A Change of Heart started back when I was nine. I had little more than a starting scene, a troublesome main character, and a handful of bad grammar.
But it’s improved significantly since then (thank goodness 😅).
After finishing the draft, I headed on the path of revising this novella to death and putting it out there for a copy editor. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it to get this story into the hands of readers.
Six months certainly isn’t long, but those months have taught me a lot about the mistakes I made the first time around when publishing, and how I can improve in the future.
Before I start getting too rambly, if you’d like to read this book, I have a special opportunity for you.
Presenting. . .
My first giveaway!
I will be giving away one free, signed copy of A Change of Heart to one lucky participant!
If you’d like to enter, click here!
The giveaway ends on September 17, 2020 at 2 PM Eastern, so please sign up before then. I will be contacting the winner by email, so stay tuned.
Until next time! *waves*